Prospects for the "Right Sector" political party in the system of Ukrainian nationalist movement

Prospects for the "Right Sector" political party in the system of Ukrainian nationalist movement


* In this article, the word "Order" is used in the sense of "Organizationof Order`s type" (eg the Knights Templar Order)

Ukrainian nationalist movement was formed on the distinctly anti-party principles,  having as ideal the form of self-owning as"the Order". "Party" in nature was profoundly alien as anideological and programmatic foundations of the nationalist movement, also bypragmatic circumstances of the national-liberation struggle.

Nationalismformed as a movement, hostile to the principles of liberal democracy,parliamentarism and capitalism. Accordingly, the phenomenon of "politicalparties" were alien to nationalism as part of the parliamentary system aswell as institution that reflects inner-national struggle between differentsocial groups (etymologically the word "party" - from the latin."Pars", fr. "Partie", which means "part" -indicates the political expression of the interests of a certain social group,not the national community as a whole).  Atthe same time the necessity of build "the Order", rather than theparty dictate the conditions under which the Ukrainian nation was in theinterwar period. Ukraine was divided between the four countries, most of herland was occupied by Bolshevik Moscow. To confront numerous to the enemies andfight for the ideal of national liberation, nationalists had come together inthe parliamentary party, an organization that characterized by the conspiracy, disciplineand a high level of devotion and dogmatism of own membership.

Need forbuild a national movement for the Order's principles fully applies to our time.However, today provides an objective basis for the existence of the NationalistParty. Struggling with the spirit of the time, sometimes not only possible butnecessary to fight by the weapon of this time. Today's multi-party system thatexists in Ukraine, not only reflects degenerated principles of parliamentarism,but also is one of the key mechanisms of functioning of the internal regime ofoccupation. But despite this, the existence of a nationalist party can be fullyjustified because such a party is able to be an important element of futurerevolutionary struggle for the realization of the ideas of Ukrainiannationalism (including the elimination of the party system and the subsequenttransition to a more organic form of political system).

Looking atthe recent past stage of the revolutionary maternity contractions of Ukrainiannation (but still is so young for the real revolution) and trying to draw astrategic line of further struggle very hard not to notice the phenomenon ofthe "Right Sector." This political phenomenon first emerged as aplatform for the coordination of various nationalist-oriented environments,then became a political and force vanguard in the fight against Yanukovych regime, even after the escapeof Yanukovych tried to direct part of their attempts on the formation of apolitical party. The presence of the party, which will hold firmly ofnationalist-revolutionary principles, is fully justified and even necessary.However, in order to "Right Sector" was held as a truly effective andtruly nationalist political force is necessary to skillfully write the partysystem in Ukraine nationalist movement.

First ofall it is necessary to emphasize the obvious truth: "Right sector" apriori can not be a leader of the nationalist movement and, ultimately, can notbe entirely self-sufficient power. "Right sector" - a party, and theparty - it's merely a tool that can perform certain functions in the system ofthe nationalist movement, but not the one institution that can form the core ofthis movement.

Look atframe filling of the "Right Sector". The creators of this politicalforce was the people with straight nationalist-minded, high level of victimhoodand the Order`s way of thinking. However, after several months of the"Right Sector" existence, it was filled by a wide variety of people,only a small percentage of which can be called the nationalists in the strictsense of the word.

Therevolutionary element quite predictable led in the ranks of the "RightSector" many nonentities - people with criminal-business or franklycriminal environment, which, using a popular brand, wanted to take part in therevolutionary redistribution of property. Thank God, a significant percentageof this bastards was eliminated in the early spring. However, at the presenttime cleaning in this area are continues.

Anothercategory of people who are partially have filled a ranks of the "Right Sector" and probably will continue to fill it, there are people with asincere patriotic views and good moral character. Representatives of thiscategory of people - a business mans and local level policy and social activistswho, with sincere patriotic beliefs have but have no nationalisticspirituality. They can take their own niche in the system of nationaliststruggle, but they become nationalists. From this type of people can be a greatmanagers, local council deputies, mayor's, village heads, officials."Right sector" should try to absorb into their ranks as many of thesepeople and bring them to their activities - to real action to improve theliving standards of Ukrainian citizens and raising their own prestige. However,all these people need to be controlled and know what they are - it's one of thelinks nationalist system.

At last,the existence of a political party "Right sector" requires theinvolvement of people, who competent in the case of development of the party,its operation, etc. Actually, it is a technical staff of party.

Nationalism,by its nature, is aristocratic phenomenon. Nationalists - people who are calledto form a national elite. The nationalist movement should consist of twocategories of people, the carriers of both spiritual types -"Philosophers", "Brahmans", "Metaphysics" on oneside and soldiers on the other side. The first type of people - is minorityamong minorities, a small cohort of people able to understand the depth ofnationalist ideology, its metaphysical, spiritual, even mystical foundations. Thesecond type of people - is educated to a common basis of nationalist ideologycarriers of military, active, heroic spirituality. It is clear that these"Kshatriya" can not have such a profound philosophy as "Brahmins". However, it should be ideological nationalists whoperceive nationalism at the level of basic principles, slogans, symbols,aesthetics (nationalism as "style") and live according to the laws offidelity, honor and duty.

Drive peoplewho are carriers of two just delineated types of spirituality, in the limits ofa purely party - then throw a loaf of bread in a pile of manure. Type of partypeople - a type of Vaisyas, but certainly not a sage or warrior. Taking intoaccount this differentiation should be based nationalist movement system thatwill include a party. Nationalists should form the main part of the party,manage, monitor internal party situation and the activities of politicians whorepresent it. And while they should stand above the ordinary members of theparty, save nationalistic spirituality and belong to structures that arehierarchically superior to the party structure.

The systemof the nationalist movement should remind pyramid. The highest part of thepyramid should be the main part of the nationalist Order and leading by theHead. Nationalist Order must being few in number, shall consist of proven bynationalists, tested by long-term struggle, who will operate at differentlevels of the nationalist movement. At the heart of the pyramid should be basedon the "Right Sector" party. Above it should be non-partisans(including paramilitary) organizations of the Order type. Above these organizations - security service which will monitor these organizations andparty.

It is clearthat inside the system of the nationalist movement will be permanent"exchange." For example, intrigued by the party (which is a carrierof a popular brand), thereto may come men who by their natural characteristicsmay occur as a nationalist. It is obvious that in the party, he will not lingerfor a long time and become a member of of the Order. There he was, in fact, maygo the way of formation of nationalist character. Having a deeper type ofconsciousness and proving, by the sacrifice, own loyalty to Ideology andOrganization, it can become a nationalist Order.

Above animportant role in the system of the nationalist movement should take securityservice. Growth of weight of the nationalist movement certainly will cause aserious desire seize them by the enemy forces. security service should become aunassailable wall for those who, in particular, tries to ingratiate himselfwith the leaders of the movement or somehow influence on him otherwise. Thesame structure should dread to party activists. Anyone who dares to engage ininternal sabotage, theft of party assets or corruption (in the case came topower), should be severely punished. Similarly security service should keeptrack of to rottenness, which in a natural way exists in the party, does notpassed to of the Order. Security service should not only have relevantprofessional skills, but also be well tested, have a high enough level ofideologism, indifference to the material, moral and special the "cult of Chosen".

Spiritualpeople inequality is in the fact that more people can to learn the truth andseek to Good, the smaller the number of them. This regularity is quite appliesto the nationalist movement. The nationalist movement can not generate thearmy's of responsible, highly ideological and highly moral politicians.However, he was the strength to form the system of patriotic citizens, who willwork for the benefit of the Ukrainian nation. Not everynationalist-revolutionary willing and able to become a deputy representative ofthe local authority or Parliament, not every revolutionary-nationalists be ableto solve the economic issues of local level. Having entered into this sphere -the sphere, based on spirituality of Vaisyas - nationalist may ultimately ceaseto be nationalist. Thus, hierarchy, storage isolation, control of the party -without adherence to these principles a nationalist movement that includes inits membership the party will have a little success.

By Igor Zgrebelny
