The Kremlin's trace on the burning streets of Paris

For the Kremlin's propaganda machine last morning begun with excuses and attempts to separate themselves from the protests in France. And all because two unlucky Frenchmen - well known to a small circle of Russian functionaries on geopolitics - decided to unfurl the flag of the Kremlin-proxy DPR formation against the background of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. And when inquisitive internet users decided to find out who are these unlucky monsieurs in vests - who undoubtedly are "deeply concerned" not only about the fuel tariffs, but also about distant "people of Donbass" - a lot of interesting details came out to the surface, which can be compared to the scale of Petrov-Boshirov story.

the very photo

It did not take much time to find out that the sympathizers of the Moscow proxy terrorists on the photo are Fabrice Sorlin and Xavier Moro. Moreover, if the first one is a chairman of the Judgment Day organisation and a member Marin Le Pen's party and directs the Katekhon analytical center, whose supervisory board includes the Russian propagandist Alexander Dugin (one of the ideologists of Russia's expansion to the Eurasia), and the center itself is financed by the GRU, then the second men -  Xavier Moro - at all played the role of an international observer in a spectacle named "people's elections," the Russia's secret services arranged in the occupied part of Donbass, and even wrote a propaganda pamphlet "Ukraine. Why France is deceiving itself."

Shortly after Paris was seized by riots and fires, and French interior minister Christoph Castner said that the most radical groups among the protesters are people, tied to M. Le Pen's political party, Bloomberg's resource reported on unprecedented activity of Russian bots in social networks supporting protests.

According to Bloomberg, just yesterday, more than 600 pro-Kremlin bots on Twitter began to force the #giletsjaunes hashtag, supporting the protests of the Yellow Vests. Moreover, earlier these accounts had been working on the USA and the UK direction, which is not surprising, considering Moscow’s foreign policy. From the end of November, they abruptly switched to protests in Paris, also throwing fakes about police sympathies to the protesters and possible rebellion inside the security forces themselves. There are even videos, made inside the protesting mob, where we can clearly hear that some of them are communicating Russian, some words are more seem to be commands to the groups. For example, on this video we can clearly hear that someone shouts "nazad!" (go back, turn back from Russian), and a group of people in yellow vests obey.

And eventually, against the background of all the above, Moscow runs a media campaign of separation from the protests. And this morning, Russia's "oppositionary" media resource Medusa, along with the rest of rest the propaganda machine, began to criticize the act of Sorlin and Moreau, referring to a Ukrainian provocation! 

The latest protests in France have become a forward-looking chance for the Kremlin to destabilize France which not only conducts a very reserved policy towards the Russian Federation, but represents an unpleasant obstacle in the Middle East and directly in Libya. However, the operation carried out through controlled provocateurs among the radical part of the protesters and full-scale information support of the Russian media, has been implemented with brazen carelessness. Too quickly, aspects were revealed that directly indicate who is behind the radicalization of the protests and where to look for sources of funding them.

By the way, since I mentioned above such figures as Petrov and Boshirov, it is worth remembering their trip to Paris from 09.09.2017 to 17.09.2017, which was accompanied by large-scale protest actions against the policy of newly elected President Emanuel Macron. These protests were also widely reported in the Russian media and were accompanied by provocations. Coincidence?

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