Specter are wandering Europe, the specter of Christianophobia, Why Europe does not need God?
Specter are wandering Europe, the specter of Christianophobia, Why Europe does not need God?
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the Tower of Babel |
It was five years ago in the Vatican. At first I took him for the
obsessed - this small, unstable priest with a bare skull, a typical
"scientist beetle", which stuck in the dusty archives of one of the
Vatican institutions. He was so old that he seemed to crumble to dust
from your touch.
First he beautifully talked about the
ecumenism about possible fraternal embrace between the Catholic and
Orthodox churches, and then started talking about "them".
want to destroy the three foundations of human existence: faith,
homeland and family. They do not believe in the miracle of the
Resurrection, laugh at the immortal soul, and family ties is filled by
defects. They are building a new Tower of Babel, called "globalization"
and cut national roots. They want to make a human a cog in global system
of consumption, to kill in her desire for truth and beauty, and not
make it work not for the sake of creation, but only in order to Buy
"Who are these "they"?" - I asked impatiently.
- he said simply. "Do you believe in the devil, Padre Pablo?", "Do you
believe in God, my daughter?" - He answered the question at issue. "All
my heart!" - "If there is a God and angels, then there is a Devil and
his legions of demons among us". "Well, they probably wear special
orthopedic shoes to hide the hooves on his feet, and wigs to hide the
horns - I laughed. - How do they look, these demons?", "Just like us,
daughter - Padre Pablo said sadly. - so they so difficult to recognize.
They glorify Satan, his good master, who did not prohibit. The cult of
Satan is based entirely on the problem of absolute moral freedom and
irresponsibility. Europe has ratified a contract with the devil,
rejecting God's judgment and creating their own - Strasbourg. Do not you
feel everywhere the spirit of Satan? He is strong now as garlic smell".
Five years later I realized that he was absolutely right, this crazy man.
March 2010-th. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 47-year-old American street
preacher named Sean Houls was surrounded on the street by company of
homosexuals. "They kissed each other, laughed and asked me what I think
about it - told later Houls. - I replied that they risk to cause the
wrath of God, because in God's eyes what they do - a sin". Gay Group
immediately appealed to the police. Policeman came to American priest
and asked, "Is it true that you said that gays will go to hell?"
of preacher that he was provoked, were not accepted. He was immediately
arrested and spent the night in jail. The judge sentenced him to a fine
of £ 1,000. The local Christian community had put a cap on a circle to
buy an American from prison.
March 2010-th. Supreme Court
of the United Kingdom rejected the appeal of Miss Leydel from
Islington, employee of the local bureau of registration of marriages,
births and deaths. Miss Leydel requested not to force her to register
gay "marriage" because it goes against her Christian beliefs, but the
Bureau has sufficient employees atheists. Management of Bureau
threatened her by dismissal. Miss Leydel went to court, which found her
claims as irrelevant.
February 2010-th. Strasbourg. Group
of socialists, communists, liberals and "green" sent a letter of protest
to the court against the presence of the cross in the prayer room of
the European Parliament, because it violates the "neutral character" of
room, demanding to stop a church service that runs in the Parliament
once a month and lasts only half an hour.
2010-th. Germany. Twelve crosses were thwarted from walls of the
hospital in the town of Bad Soden and thrown in a landfill at the
request of the patient-Muslim who said that "the cross prevents him get
well". Desecration of religious symbol has occurred in front of patients
February 2010-th. London. The House of Lords
is preparing to review the law on sex education, under which secular and
religious schools are required to give children information about
homosexual relationships, contraception and abortion. If the bill is
adopted, the priests and nuns have to explain to students that a "civil
partnership" and homosexuality is "normal and harmless" and tell where
they can have an abortion and how to use a condom.
2010-th. Netherlands. Scandal in the town Reusel. During the
traditional carnival gay group broke into the church where the Sunday
service was conducted and demanded the holy sacrament. The priest said
that according to religious rules, he cannot to Communion them. Sodomy -
a deadly sin in Christianity. Gay activists have applied to the police,
and the priest was immediately summoned to the station to give
December 2009-th. Germany. Eight Christian
families from the village Salzkotten were convicted by a local court to
serious fines for that does not allow their minor children to attend sex
education classes in schools, citing his religious beliefs, and forbade
them to participate in the theatrical production of "My body belongs to
me" . Since the family did not agree with the fine (pay a fine - then
plead guilty), eight fathers of families have gone to jail (served one
But the main fury of guards "political correctness"
is the cross a sign of love and forgiveness. In September 2011 the
management of the public hospital in the English town of Exeter has
forced 54-year-old nurse Shirley Chaplin remove the neck crosses,
threatening her with dismissal although Mrs Chaplin worked in the
hospital for 30 years. Arguing that "the cross violates the dress code
and jewelry at work is prohibited".
In the spring of 2009
had to withdraw the cross nurse Helen Slatter from Gloucester as "cross
infection can bring to the hospital". But the real triumph of the
Antichrist can be regarded as a decision of the Strasbourg Court in
November 2009 banning crucifixes in Italian schools. Among those who
fervently supported the decision - known Italian journalist and a former
European Parliament member Giulietto Chiesa.
By Darina Aslamova
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