Mihail Tolstih, a field commander of the Donbass terrorists also known as Givi, had been killed in his office on February 8.
Givi made a "brilliant career" from a supermarket security guard to one of the terrorists leader. Since he had participated in hostilities in Eastern Ukraine on the side of Moscow backed terrorists, being a commander of the Somalia terrorist group. Along with another field commander - Motorola, Givi had been a "media face" of the terrorists and a hero of the Kremlin propaganda. A week earlier Tolstih had received a wound during combat actions in Avdiivka, which led to the loss wrist. In the morning of February 8 a well-aimed shot from a grenade launcher delivered the terrorist an one-way ticket straight to the hell.

The killing of Givi has continued a series of mysterious eliminations of the pro-Russian terrorists of Donbass. Recall, Valery Bolotov, a former leader of the Luhansk People's Republic terrorist group of Donbass died few weeks ago in Moscow in mysterious circumstances. Earlier, in October 2016 another terrorists' field commander Arseny "Motorola" Pavlow was exploded in an elevator of the house he had lived. Before this Evgeny Zhilin, a leader of the Oplot pro-Russian terrorist organisation of the Donbass was shot dead in a restaurant in the outskirts of Moscow. be continued 
