China has became the first state that started production hydrate of natural gas on an industrial scale. This substance has been known for a long time, commonly known under the mane "combustible ice" (due to its external similarity with ice). Earlier, it was believed that there is not enough of technology for industrial development and, in general, the resource is too expensive.

However, this fact hadn't frighten Chinese leadership at all. And they made an unequivocally correct choice. One cubic meter of "combustible ice" is equal to 164 cubic meters of conventional natural gas. This is incomparable scales. Previous researches showed that the world's stocks of that sort of gas ranging from 12 to 20 thousand gigatons. In fact, sizes of gas hydrate deposits are larger than all other energy sources combined.

The possibility that this new energy source will replace oil and gas shale in future is more than likely. At the moment, many scientists suggest that stocks may be even greater. But even if the reserves are limited to what is available now, they should be sufficient for several generations of people on a planetary scale.

Until recently, it was believed that gas hydrate mining requires a number of fundamentally new technological solutions, but, as we see, China has found managed to resolve the task. The likelihood that it will bury the usual energy is more than high.

But the most noteworthy is that real breakthrough decisions are made in countries far from the West. While the so-called developed countries are investing in "helping refugees," support for social parasites and pseudoscience like "gender studies," their Asian competitors are really and successfully following the strategy of advanced development.

The United Arab Emirates has already launched a drone taxi and presented a realistic program for the colonization of Mars. Constellation of India's satellites in the orbit is significantly stronger than the Russian and most of European countries, now China is starting a new era of energy.

What must be admitted is that degenerate pseudo-elites can no longer play the role of jackals on the ruins of Old Europe. The legacy is exhausted and our civilization can no longer make dubious experiments, hoping for a safety margin that ancestors leave for us. Europe must turn to the path of restoration, or the next generation of Europeans will be perceived by the Chinese and Arabs as backward defenseless savages, but with original absurd prejudices such as pseudo "freedom, equality, brotherhood" and "tolerance."

original by Eduard YURCHENKO
