Russia is a sponsor of international terrorism: from ISIS to DNR-LNR
Recently Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree, that established a new date - "The Day of Special Forces" dedicated to the anniversary of the occupation of the Ukrainian territory - Crimea. What a forces is this, which are operating without chevrons and insignia of their state? Even superficial investigation gives us the opportunity to liken the Kremlin's "military operations" with international terrorism. In this article we will show you a number of specific examples of links and cooperation between Russian Special services and the ISIS terrorists.
The Kremlin has been exploiting and cooperating with various radical, separatist and even terrorist organisations for a long time - both on its territory and in other countries. This has happened in the Caucasus, in the republics of the former Yugoslavia and now this happening in Ukraine. The supply of weapons for the criminal gangs such as the Colombian drug mafia and terrorist groups such as ISIS is held through intermediaries from Russia. Moreover - more and more facts indirectly confirm that Putin's regime not only supports terrorists, but also creates a terrorist groups and directs their activities. Usually such cooperation and communications is provided by Russian security services, such as the FSB and the GRU. Officially they declared the ISIS a terrorist organization, but in fact Russia continue to supply arms, money, communications, helped to conduct propaganda in the right direction for rebels. First the deliveries of weapons was carried out by the members of Assad regime as a "trophies".
ISIS and DNR-LNR terrorist organisations are using mostly Russian or Soviet weapons and the uniform. This fact has pushed on thoughts about this "organisations" have a common supplier.
It should be also noted that the fighters of the "Islamic State" are using mobile application "Zello" for communication same as pro-Russian terrorist gangs at Donbass. Here is the article on the coordination scheme between terrorists and their supervisors from the Russian special services: "Zello Terrorism: Experience of Russian Security Services in Ukraine".
This means that the Russian special services, at a minimum, have the ability to monitor the activities of the "Islamic State", their every move and guide their activities, coordinate and give them orders. The second option is much more probable, since there are no facts of transfer of any information about the ISIS activities of the secret services of coalition countries.
Moreover, bank accounts of the "Islamic State" to raise funds for their activities have been opened in the Russian banks, in particular in the Savings Bank of Russia.
ISIS was created with the active participation of the former Iraqi intelligence officers, who lead the organisation now. They are supported by a large group of militants who came from Russia and the former Soviet Union.

In addition, ISIS uses the same propaganda methods as the Kremlin agitprop. In the midst of the fighting in Syria between forces of Assad and rebels in social networks appears a large number of "internet trolls", one of them are calling Muslims to jihad, others are leading active and aggressive campaign against the Syrian rebels and people who support them.
Artem Ivanov - the member of member of the Russian secret service in the Middle East, who lived a long time in Turkey and Egypt and was engaged in propaganda of "Islamic State", as well as organizing the operation to discreditation of politicians in number of Middle Eastern countries. All this politicians have one common feature - they were not acceptable for the Kremlin and its satellites in the region.
Soon it became known that Artem Ivanov - a citizen of Russia, employee of FSB (Secret Service of Russia). He has also performed the task of the FSB in Turkey and Egypt, supporting the ISIS activities and also participated in a coup in Egypt, led by General Sisi.
Recently Ivanov was switched to "Ukrainian zone". He began to calls for Muslims of Russia to come to Donbass and fight for the Russian terrorist groups. In early April, Artem Ivanov received a new assignment from the Russian agents in Turkey and the flight from Istanbul to Kiev. Probably, his goal is to create terrorist groups like ISIS in Ukraine?
This is an indication that the FSB is expanding its subversive activities against Ukraine, no de-escalation in the near future will not, and we should prepare for a long and hard struggle. Our country should take steps to close the borders to not allow such "visitors" to our land...
Soon it became known that Artem Ivanov - a citizen of Russia, employee of FSB (Secret Service of Russia). He has also performed the task of the FSB in Turkey and Egypt, supporting the ISIS activities and also participated in a coup in Egypt, led by General Sisi.
Recently Ivanov was switched to "Ukrainian zone". He began to calls for Muslims of Russia to come to Donbass and fight for the Russian terrorist groups. In early April, Artem Ivanov received a new assignment from the Russian agents in Turkey and the flight from Istanbul to Kiev. Probably, his goal is to create terrorist groups like ISIS in Ukraine?
This is an indication that the FSB is expanding its subversive activities against Ukraine, no de-escalation in the near future will not, and we should prepare for a long and hard struggle. Our country should take steps to close the borders to not allow such "visitors" to our land...
Original by InformNapalm
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