The democratic liberalism, capitalism, socialism and reactionary conservatism created ideological foundations of the nineteenth century. And brought to the weakening single country. Italy, France and Germany. Healthy elements isolated nations were looking out of splitting and weakening. After World War I, Europe was expressed unsustainability and had had a weakness of democratic liberalism, capitalism, socialism, conservatism and reaction began to grow new strength among combatants and young people, new ideas, looking for new ways out of the break and some destroying moves of the foundations of a national public life.

In Italy the fascist brewing revolution that contrasted sharply the democratic liberalism and socialist anarchy and weak, barren clerical-aristocratic reaction. In Germany fights for its consular association, inner strength and greatness, for the liberation of Versailles reduction and entangled national and state forces for a new spirituality, a new outlook, a new political system and socio-economic system - National Socialism that equal the fight against social democratic Weimar Republic, soviet Bolsheviks, Jewry and the conservative reaction Hugenburg gets power and an iron fist crushes all party groups and doctrine.

As we have to fight against every manifestation of the democratic liberalism parties, socialist and conservative reaction, so we have to be critical of these nationalist movements in other countries, in order not to get under their influence and suggestion. How Fascism and National Socialism is a natural product of the spirit, history and needs of Italy or Germany and imply good and because of their nations. As fascism is the embodiment and expression of strength and values of the Italian nation, and National Socialism is an expression of the will and design for the revival of German power and world domination, as Ukrainian nationalism are naturally creative expression Ukrainian spirit, nature, history, vital needs and will of the nation the complete liberation and getting mighty new Ukrainian state and the world in eastern Europe.

As Bran is the national character, historical development, political position, social, economic and cultural status of each nation, so Bran is a single nationalist movements, though each of them longs to internal and external forces and a comprehensive development of the nation, the state and human differences’ but on other grounds in other forms. Fascism, National Socialism and Ukrainian nationalism have many similar elements as the revival of the cost of wind starts, idealism, voluntarism, heroism, honor, dedication, militancy; they set the basis for life and work of historical development, creativity, will, in the first place put the good of their nations, because of their states, emphasize the importance of strong personalities, guidance and labor costs and fights the democratic liberalism, capitalism, socialism and reactionary conservatism. Fascism identifies the nation and the state. For him, the state is an absolute value.

"Everything in the State, nothing against it, nothing outside the state!" Overly dependent on all makes of leading personalities, including the will of its founder and leader Mussolini. State and socio-economic life organized on syndicate-corporate basis. Fascism and the leader of the united nation, but King – united empire.

The Ukrainian nationalism is not the work of one man, but Mussolini's fascism work, also its ideological and political-organizational design has led a number of leading men, and led him and his blood hallowed memory of the glorious leader Eugen Konovalets. Ukrainian nationalism is a work of oppressed nations in its protracted struggle for statehood again, fascism is the fruit of the nation state in the struggle for its internal and external restructuring power.

The Ukrainian nationalism understand the state not as an absolute value, but as a natural form of life and the embodiment of the nation, which is used for its good strength and development. Ukrainian nationalism has a different concept not only the nation and the state, but leadership and chiefdoms. The leader and spokesman of the supreme symbol of national unity and movement. His will is normalized and good will of the nation-state and the principles of the nationalist movement. When he guided their decisions opinion and decision of the nationalist. Here makes the decision not form chiefdoms, but the strength and value individuality and feasibility of conducting business. Another organization will also natiocratic Ukrainian state and socio-economic system, because there are other social and economic development, cultural and civilizational level of Ukraine. Before Ukrainian nationalism is much larger and more serious problem, because the nationalist revolution to be much deeper and more far-reaching than a fascist or National Socialist revolution.

The Ukrainian nationalism was keenly follow in order of Ukrainian circles not occurred without critical blind following of National Socialism, as a way to not incur the spiritual, political influence and later Germany. Ukrainian nationalism differs from the Nazi world view. National Socialism takes naturalistic voluntarism, total biology, racism, and the Nordic theory separate system of leadership. Ukrainian nationalism defines the nation is not race and blood, but the general will, and the idea of political activism. No race to the first determines the historical value and strength of the nation and humanity. Undoubtedly vitality and race plays a very important in shaping the nation. Not race, but the strength of the nation is our reason and purpose. Too dominance of the Aryan race and the man pushes the value and power of the Ukrainian nation and Ukrainian man in second place. This sense of superiority in the world and the historical mission of German race is the engine and ground forces of the Third Germany. The peasants and labor as a source of strength, such views are only in Ukrainian nationalism stems from other reasons and causes. Industrial Germany with great technical civilization sought to turn his youth movement to the race and land forces, giving farmers a new elite of land and blood.

The Ukrainian grain-growing nation divorced from the land collectivization under the rule of a strange city is to re-gain ground clear of alien race, and the Moscow Jewish element, a more industrial Ukraine and Ukrainian cities get. Ukrainian peasantry was made a obedient proletarians by soviet Bolsheviks, so this act was upgrading and took shape as a distinct social group, tank forces of the Ukrainian people and should be the root and log cabins from which sprouts grow Ukrainian working class, middle class and intellectuals.

The National Socialism is building a social order based on survivals and national community, the individual states as state of the restorers of life, front work and organization culture. Leadership principle develops through a lifetime not only political, but social and economic. Industrial enterprises are organized on the basis of "cells" of wives leader at the helm. In the hands of their leader is power, even greater than the absolute monarchy, because reliance on trust and power of a national community. State organized on the basis of chiefdoms. Will the leader creates laws and all take a power in state; named on the principle of leadership. One political party as the leadership and the Order of the estate. National Socialist state on the structure and means a form of basic elements of the race, and his political organization – the Order of conductors (Führerstatt). The basis of his philosophy puts National Socialism goal race, blood, German championship race and Nordic theory of person.

The Ukrainian nationalism has its outlook Bran, its concept of nation, state, race, leadership, culture, civilization and education, their particular political program and structure of social order and separate organization management, as well as their individual means and methods of struggle and work.

Before Ukrainian nationalism makes some landmark prospects for a new great revolution – destroy bolshevism in any forms and built a new nation and the world of work, a new culture and civilization Ukrainian renaissance.

Certainly we must follow the development of nationalist movements in other countries, in particular to learn from the experience of fascism and National Socialism, however, must at all balky to Ukrainian relations and needs, a naturally learn and vicissitudes in the crucible of Ukrainian spirit and thoughts.

By Dmytro "Orlik" Miron
