Europe is wrapped dark green twilight... Ever combative and heroic continent Otto the Great, Henry Curtmantle, Peter I of Castile, Yaroslav the Wise and Gustav Adolf, now a miserable existence under the onslaught of Islamic immigrants and predatory intentions of Moscow Horde destroy civilized. When the blood boils nation free from injustice and pity instead of democratic and liberal humanism comes militant methods of progress in the form of popular anger, rebellion, revolt and revolution.

The last Ukrainian revolution that was carried out under the national blue-yellow and red-black rebel flags, in that not ended in victory for Ukrainian Nation, and once again proved the age-old axiom –  the people was used for selfish purposes clan-oligarchic forces and their foreign sachem. However, we realized the error of their past and no longer acceptable neither fear nor fatal error, because history has taught us heroically and courageously meet challenges fate. And today, when the Crimean mountains and heaps in Donetsk tricolor fluttering cloth in a flame bloody boric Ukraine comes true, based on his shoulders courageous people who swaddled national identity.

National identity is a sense of belonging to the nation as a unified whole organism, which includes traditions, language, culture, history and politics. Ukrainian national identity of every man is his identity and sense of belonging to the restored Ukrainian state and Ukrainian Nation. The formation of national identity and awakening occurs in childhood under the influence of family environment, friends, acquaintances, peers. Later in this process include other centers of socialization (school, university, work). Further changes in national identity are not so much its formation as transformation, which depends on the socio-political, economic, and other spheres of human activity.

The problem of formation of Ukrainian national identity, updated real socio-political context: elections, socio-economic crisis, a lot of Maidan-revolutions, war and occupation. The awaking of Ukrainian Nation, despite the intentions of ukrainiphobians all happened – bloody regime fell, began patriotic revival among the masses, there was formation of a strong Ukrainian army. And despite of non-ending the Revolution of Dignity, the Ukrainian Maidan became an example to follow for other oppressed peoples of the world who are suffering from the corruption of their government in power and the dominance of Islamic immigrants.

However, not every state is a form of existence of the nation. While each nation must aspire to build their own states, not to be absorbed by another nation, like the Kurdistan or Karelia. Talking about the peaceful coexistence of nations can only be rather arbitrary, because it is only possible as long as those nations did not put forward the same claim. That's natural instincts, and not national legislation, international agreements or human values, is the basis for natural homogeneity and national customs and traditions. But the greatest threat to every nation there are factors that destroy the institution of the family – culturmarxists toleration ideas and Islamization. So, the very first task of every Ukrainian patriot and nationalist who cares about the fate of the nation, should be building their own family, to ensure its continuation and biological dominance in her traditional values...

Ukraine today is the shield of Europe! Ukrainian Nation is a sword that protects hardened old Europe from the hordes of barbarians extravagant. However, some of party agitation demagogues most Ukrainian Nation cannot decide cases in which it is known. This leads to a crisis in the country, as has ever been in a day Cossack Ukraine ruins, black boards, or at the time of the Central Council or UNR Directory. The red Muscovy under their flags and lie ‘most democratic’ slogan ‘brotherhood and equality of nations’ seized, laid on the dark mass, Ukraine and oppressed over seventy years, our people, and together with him and other people. And all this in the name of ‘the most humane and democratic council system and the dictatorship of the proletariat’.

Demo liberal socialist demagogy and anarchy, freedom of hostile propaganda brought to a bloody fratricidal war in Spain. Demo liberal and the socialist system of Weimar Germany led to its weakening and disorder, and even after National Socialism gained steel and power will hand the reins of the state. Sick, and was democratically broken liberal, dispersed Italy until fascism came to power, it is a great idea and iron monolithic organization. Rich in tradition state and material achievements and winning the Great War France weakened by strife various parties and become instruments in the hands of Great Britain and fell victim to a new world war. This is just enough to prove that democracy leads only to fall, weakening and ruins...

However, democracy sometimes has a good side, such as in North America. Democracy made it possible to develop economic forces in the USA and Canada, but now denies itself and threatens valid social economic and political contradictions. Democracy does not allow to express the true will of the people does not reflect the needs and cares about its development and good. In a democratic system of government, in fact, is not in the hands of the people, and in the hands of a class or party that are poisoned weight and gain their support with money, promises more. They are guided only by words and good will of the people, and really only care about the interests of party or class groups and their promises never observe. The people are divided into groups that are quarreling and fighting for power, by the way, his ruling classes and capitalists, industrialists and the middle class. Is it the people's will, at the rich are millions of poor workers, peasants, unemployed, homeless, without which the state lost custody in democratic states?

Instead of equality, which should be the basis of democracy is the greatest inequality, exploitation and extortion. A democratic system does not allow people to power, due to the capable and fresh forces, and by mechanical election brings to power the biggest loudmouth, parliamentary cheaters and irresponsible demagogues who are thinking only their vested interests. Not the most votes and voting created greatness and power of the Ukrainian State in princely and hetman times, and vice versa – an iron will, strength and wisdom wire! Only free, ideological and wise leadership can lead the nation to victory, the better. He did not allow the people decide the fate of the climbers, the anarchists, and spoilers’ enemies. And it is on their banner we wrote about the desire to Ukrainian Nation effective nationalism, which is a real discipline, but at the same time proclaiming the freedom of the spirit, ideas, creativity and work for the nation and humanity in general. There is no freedom, and development without good discipline, internal and external organize, duty and responsibility – it is an axiom!

Now we just desperately need not only to preserve their national identity as Ukrainian for our children, but also to develop it in state building boric rank. But how? Just to have a bunch of kids, teach them to follow specific dogmas, kill the head and all national idea? No, esteemed, not so we imagine a Ukrainian identities way! So we do not do, because we do not ‘Soviet propagandists’ and not agents of Abwehr or Mossad, we do not need call and empty concept without specific content. The consequences of reckless ideas zombie-people that poured like shit in brains of our ancestors, we'll see today with the events that take place around. We see it in the actions of our duly elected president, national and local deputies, and all those voters who gave their votes hoping for a "new life" yesterday repainted of communists and the Party of Regions members...

Ukrainians, we got something that deserved! Currently, we have no chance to raise another wave of revolution go beyond the folk, everyone council-areas, heads, politicians and careerists entrust power real Ukrainian patriots, soldiers-liberators, but we have the potential, tempered by war, guerrilla and underground struggle. Therefore, it is necessary to believe in victory and carefully cook it! When comes the time? – That no one knows! We, however, hope that it is only a matter of time...

Identity – this is not an empty word, slogan or idea, not at all, it is our past, present and future, however, if its preservation. Identity – our culture, our traditions, our language, and finally – our native land, for which they laid and put the head Ukrainian brave knights, so for our children it should not remain merely words written in ink on paper...

We are Ukrainian on Ukrainian soil, and therefore demand the Ukrainian real power! Our country is the largest in Europe, but the rights to a dignified life, we are the smallest of all the other ‘euro-neighbors’. Liberation is Ukrainian Nation steppes in Donetsk should mean triumph elaborated by her own ideology, the rise of world that matches its social position, to the position of the ruling ideology in society. This means important changes in the system of values, which is marked by radically change everything public life with a focus on traditions and culture of the nation. Ukrainian values were still in the shadows, but revolution and war changed everything...

Nationalism is effective love for the nation, its protection and self-sacrifice for the welfare of their neighbors. That is why Ukrainian Nationalists lead forward the idea of love, justice, and sacrifice for the welfare of the world! That is why those patriots and nationalists who have been the crucible of war and the revolutionary wave should seek to come to power without giving the cross to assume responsibility, to do good to our neighbors and to bear the punishment for perverts and arbitrary occupation!

Despite all the difficulties, we will win and build our Hetmanate!

Glory to Ukrainian Nation! Glory to Ukraine!

