Andriy Tarasenko, a Pravij Sector political wing head, on the so-called "MihoMaidan" - a staged long-term "opositionary" protest action, launched by Mikhael Saakashvili's team in the governmental district of Kyiv on October 17. There are opinions that the current "oppositionary" protest is nothing but the preparation for upcoming parliamentary elections, by which local plutocrats are promoting their nes political projects.
The newly pumped protesting hysteria has gradually declined. Although there are still many enchanted ones, a lot of disappointment have been already expressed.
It is no secret that Ukraine is run by financial-industrial political clans, which aim to legitimize the plunder of Ukrainian nation. The Ukrainian nationalists call this system the regime of internal occupation. The state needs revolutionary transformations. Thus the anti-national forces in Government keep using all aviable levers of social influence to hush up the state's actual problems by own populist rethorics. Each of the clans loudly declares it is fighting "FOR ALL GOOD" (for high wages and pensions and low taxes) and "AGAINST ALL BAD" (against corruption and the Kremlin). However, none of them is able to explain how this will be implemented in practice. It is enough to remember the results of Maidan.
It is absurd to have hopes for the "Georgian Messiah" Mikhale Saakashvily - who's become a leader of what is represented in some media as a protest movement, and who allegedly back "triumphantly and loudly" to Ukraine to rescue a country, that isn't native for him. Well, the way to power is somewhat more difficult than to beak through the Polish-Ukrainian border.
Creating new fake "messias" for electoral plebs, the clans are trying to involve patriots and nationalists to their dirty games. Unfortunately, the action on October 17 was not an exception. Despite the fact that we are radically opposed to the government of Poroshenko Groisman and the ruling system in general, we believe that there is no place for Ukrainian nationalists in the staging named the "MihoMaidan." After all, Saakashvily has become another pawn on a chessbord. No doubt, tomorrow he will appear another political criminal in the eyes of ordinary Ukrainians, similar to Poroshenko and Yanukovych. The key point is that this "protest movement" has offer no real political transformation.
Moreover, Saakashvili unlikely will be able to offer some perspective national way to Ukraine in the future, as he tries to unite too controversial political currents. In particular, along with sincere protesters, we could observe there hired "activists," adherents of the LGBT, and people known by their left-liberal political views.
In the rear we are struggling to change the system by destroying the regime of internal occupation and the implementation of those values, that have been declared in the Program of National Liberation and State Building.
We have no moral right to betray our beliefs, since hundreds of fighters have taken own lifes for for them, and their deed must be finished. New Ukraine will be rised by passionate youth united aroung the Indea of the Nation, not by local or foreign political laborers.
Remember! Any struggle AGAINST has sense only only within the framework of struggle FOR !
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