The operational situation in terms of counteracting the mechanisms of external interference to the internal affairs of Ukraine by foreign non-governmental and state structures is characterized by a sharp increase in destructive tendencies.

Here is a list of, so to say, projects, that have been financed by the embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine at the expense of the German budget:

1. The Creative Protest Festival - that is nothing but a soft propaganda of LGBT through art, which will promote to growing tolerance to this "social group" in Ukrainian society.

2. The project named "Ukraine is a tolerant place for refugees and asylum seekers," which main purpose is to promote tolerance and improve treatment to refugees and asylum seekers in Ukraine."

3. "Inflammation of hostility in the statements of the Ukrainian mass media - identification and counteraction" - the project is aimed at developing and disseminating methods to counteract discriminatory and hate speech in media, and especially in the internet segment, which discriminate and incite to violent actions.

The first two projects, implemented in Ukraine at the expense of a foreign state, are sufficient grounds for the counter-intelligence services to run a criminal proceedings by the classification of "extremist activity," and the third one - by the classification of "activity to the detriment of Ukraine's information security."

After all - while Ukrainian statehood agonizes in paroxysms of corruption, while the number of indigenous population decreases rapidly, while the state bourder is on fire and its defenders are spilling their blood defending it at the front - there is a fact of foreign investment in promotion of: 

- the idea of "uniqueness" and "peculiarities" of a bunch of shameless deviants, who believe the society is obligated to them.

- the idea of rerouting to Ukraine a part of a demographic flow of terrorists and criminals-fanatics from North Africa and the Middle East - that is a-priory hostile to European civilization - caused by thoughtless overthrows of local regimes by Western special services.

- the idea of curtailing of Ukraine's national information sovereignty by introducing voluntary and compulsory "politically correct" censorship in the media, which will deprive Ukrainians possibility to receive objective information about events in the country and in the world.

The actions of foreign invaders are quite understandable. Looking to our country they see reduced demographic vitality, social default, ideological disarmament - it seems to them they can take us with bare hands. But they are wrong...

