Ukrainian authorities keep telling the people fables that the EU elites are reliable ally of Ukraine. But reality shows the opposite. Last week, the European Commission's head Jean-Claude Juncker said on the need of closer cooperation with Russia. According to Juncker, the EU and Russia should left the "cold war rethoric" in the past and move to restoration of belliteral dialogue.

On the EU Commision head's opinion, Russia should be respected and treated as a global player, not a regional one. Juncker - naming Putin as own friend - also claimed that contemporal EU security policy is impossible without Moscow's participation.

Clearly, if another European politician of right-wing orientation would use rhetorics of that sort, local EU-optimist media would immediately hype this up. However, the recent Junker's verbal curtseys toward the Kremlin have almost been ignored in Ukraine. Noticeable, that it's not the first time when the EU hight ranking representative express such opinions; last summer and fall J. K. Junker  also spoke on the need of closer cooperation with Moscow.

At the same time the pro-Russian statements of the EU Commision Head appears even more eloquent against the background of his another recent acts. A few weeks ago, Junker criticized Poland for accepting ethnically-close migrants from Ukraine, refusing at  the same time to let the migrants from Africa and Asia in. In other words, Juncker made it clear that the very humanitarian component of the current migrantion issue isn't the key one, while the main goal is to force Poland and other Central European states to abandon the policy of preserving ethnic identity.

What's more, Juncker participated the solemnities on the occasion of Karl Marx's 200th anniversary in his native Trier, Germany, where mr. Junker made a statement in which he described Marx as an outstanding thinker and tried to distanciate him from historical responsibility for the numerous crimes committed by the followers of Marxism.

The very fact that the EU top official acted as a lawyer of Marx, has got an echo beyond the ocean. In particular, Juncker was sharply criticized by Chris Smith, the US concervative-minded politician. Smith emphasized the inadmissibility of attempts to justify Marx, since millions of victims of the communist regimes have become a logical result of the theoretical formulations of Marx's philosophy. At the same time, such the gesture has faced criticism in Central Europe, which elder generation still remembers the order of Marxist ideas followers, who came after the WW2 end.

Summing up, we have a "progressive" EU politician, who openly declares sympathies to extreme left ideas of early XX cent as well as its modern ramifications, and who calls for deepening of cooperation with Russia, calling Putin a friend.

Speaking in Europe, Poroshenko often tries to portray Ukraine as an outpost of moder EU ideals in the Eastern Europe. However, the liberal elites of the West are increasingly inclined to think that it is worth moving away from a half-hearted confrontation with Russia and returning to full cooperation. Against this backdrop, Poroshenko's rhetorics appears as something of "funny, but not positive" sort. Ukraine's inner political dicource has ling been adjusted to a foreign opinion. Maybe, current critical position must finally tought us to,live our own lifes, acting from the point of the national needs?

by Petro Klimchuck
