Russia for sale, Urals and Siberia were leased for China

Many of Putin fans in Russia and outside its border are like to talk about "the Russian World", "Eurasianism", "Fifth column", "Putin patriotism". They are so happy for the Crimea annexation but unfortunately they don't even know that a colossal area of their Motherland are sold to China by the Kremlin government.

Russia  becoming a raw material appendage of its neighbor, who is much more dangerous than the entire West. Large part of the country is sold to China by the gross under the motto of "struggle against Europe". 

Large areas of forest and agricultural land in Western Siberia and the Urals were passed to the management of Chinese businessmen. One million hectares of the Russian forest zone in Tyumen region was transferred to China for 49 years. Moreover, Russian government wants to attract Chinese companies to cultivate hundreds of thousands of hectares of unused lands in Sverdlovsk region.

Also pay attention to the recent meeting of the regional government ministers of Yekaterinburg with the Consul General of China in Russia Xie Jinying. Minister of Agriculture of the region Sergei Chemezov complained to the Chinese authorities on hundreds of thousands of hectares of abandoned arable land and 56 farms in the region which are in a state of bankruptcy.

The population of Eastern Siberia fell from 8 million to 6.3 million people and the growing number of ghost towns along the Trans-Siberian Railway in last 20 years.

all this against the background of the birth rate of 1.4, high level of alcoholism, drug addiction and the expected decline in the population of 30 million.

The territory of 2 million acres in Tungiro-Olyokminsky district, more than 900 thousand hectares in Mogochinsky district, 500 hectares in Sretensky district and 300 thousand hectares in Gazimur-Zavodskoy and Krasnochikoisky districts was leased to China for 49 years according to the former chief editor of the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" newspaper. In total - 4 million hectares, this is much more then the territory of Crimea.

Russian parliament even adopted a law on the "TOR" (the territories of priority development) in order to legitimize the Chinese expansion of Siberia.

Here is a few points of this law:

- A permit to attract and use foreign workers - not required, quota for migrant workers - are canceled.

- Legal entities who have signed an agreement with the government on the activities in the "TOR" area were be exempt from paying taxes, will enjoy the next benefits: lower insurance premiums, reduced rents, free customs zone, facilitated state control over the activities. Permitted various violations of the established order of land use, linear objects can be built without any permits, the procedure for approval of infrastructure construction is simplified.

- Despite the fact that the residents (legal entities) operating in the framework of "TOR" will be exempt from paying taxes, the federal and local budgets, as well as the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation are required provide  financing the process of infrastructure creation.

- The heads of foreign companies get a substantial part of the powers of regional authorities, including in the number of vital activity areas of the region (electricity, gas, heating and water supply, waste disposal and organization of leisure).

- Direct violation of citizens' rights to property. The management company may apply for the confiscation of land plots, a real estate and other property located on the particular area, which is necessary for the "TOR" development. Is the practice of easements, the easement is established at the request of any of the residents.

Deputy Premier of China publicly stated as follows: "... Russia have a vast territories, at the same time China have the most hardworking people in the world. Сombining these factors we will obtain significant development. Russia have a large area but a small population, China - on the contrary"

So what the ordinary Russian citizen have in result of this? The government continue to provide a policy, which gives a possibility to obtain short-term profits, but in general we see the process of degradation of whole the Russian economy, an economic shock inside the country causes a serious problems for all large enterprises and the Kremlin don't see any way to save them except of sale a part of them for China...

These games with China may turn to big problems for the indigenous population. On the one hand by importing hardworking immigrants to work in the "territories of priority development", on the other of buying the Russian property, there is a real possibility that immigrants who came into temporary rented regions did not return home, but will remain in Russia after the end of the work in frameworks of "TOR" project, on the pretext of maintenance and technical support of their new property.
