The Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation, a piece of territory which lies in the north-eastern part of Europe sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania. In recent years the region has become the most militarized zone in Europe. Currently, Russia builds there a bugging station and a missile base with damage radius that covers almost all territory of Europe. In addition the "Iskander" and the "C-400" mobile operational-tactical missile complexes will be deployed in the region in nearest time. It is also planned to build a railway to connect the nuclear base with the naval air base in Chkalov.

Thus the Russian missiles will be able to reach such cities as London, Paris or Berlin. More and more often Europe feels the breath of a "Cold war" from the East, while Moscow almost openly declares its intention to renew control over the East Europe, threatening with its nuclear weapons.

One of recent military exercises of the Russian forces had rehearsed a nuclear strike on Poland, and tested their command centers, designed to withstand a nuclear strike.  Can assume that Moscow might use its tactical nuclear weapons against the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Quite ironically, that it may be precisely the Ukrainian nuclear warheads that were given away to Russia by the short-sightedness authorities in 90's.

Once before Moscow had made a similar "nuclear bridgehead" in the territory of Cuba, since this was the only way for Soviet missiles to reach the US territory. However, then, in 60's President Kennedy responded properly to the Soviet-Cuban missile threat, an operation on neutralization of the "bridgehead" was launched. Then, facing a resolute opponent, Moscow was forced to withdraw their missiles from Cuba.  

The key point is that the Russian nuclear base in the heart of the Baltic area must be considered as a lever of pressure against Europe (against the East Europe first of all), not a defensive measure. And this is another signal for the region's countries to consolidate efforts and launch development of a joint nuclear shield.  

As for Ukraine, the disturbing news from Kaliningrad combining with the information about possible deployment of nuclear warheads in the occupied Crimea is a sign that the government's indecisive actions in the defence area could have a disasterous effect for whole the East Europe region in nearest future. It is the nationalists, who have been emphasizing since the beggining of the invasion on the extreme importance of renewing of a nuclear status for our country, especially given the fact that Russia has violated its obligations before Ukraine under the Budapest memorandum.

Original by Yaroslav CHORNY
