Recently, representatives of the Ukrainian nationalist movement in Spain have attracted attention of local anti-fascists. On their Facebook page, members of the Acción Antifascista de España organisation have expressed concern over the person of Natalia Shpak Kucher, who is an official representative of the Right Sector nationalist movement in Madrid.
After short consideration of the anti-fascists' page we can see they are widely spreading all sorts of left extremist propaganda, including praising of communism. In their post regarding mrs. Natalia the Spanish left-wingers have used all most popular theses of their Moscow supervisors. In particular, mentioning the Right Sector's DUK volunteer military formation, which has been participating the war in Donbass, the leftists have hurried to call the defenders of Ukraine "nazis."
Other representatives of Ukrainian diaspora in Spain, who are involved in Ukrainian patriotic movement and provide active support to Ukraine's defenders, have been submited to similar informational attacks from the so-called 'antifa.' In particular, under the sights of the Spanish leftists got Ivan Vovk, a member of Spanish branch of the Svoboda Ukrainian political party and Anna Garsia, an active member of Ukrainian nationalist movement. It is clear for everyone who is more or less interested in the situation in Ukraine and the Ukrainian patriotic movement as a whole that these 'expository posts' were writen by an ignorant in the matter person, who draws information from untrusted sources.
Other representatives of Ukrainian diaspora in Spain, who are involved in Ukrainian patriotic movement and provide active support to Ukraine's defenders, have been submited to similar informational attacks from the so-called 'antifa.' In particular, under the sights of the Spanish leftists got Ivan Vovk, a member of Spanish branch of the Svoboda Ukrainian political party and Anna Garsia, an active member of Ukrainian nationalist movement. It is clear for everyone who is more or less interested in the situation in Ukraine and the Ukrainian patriotic movement as a whole that these 'expository posts' were writen by an ignorant in the matter person, who draws information from untrusted sources.
It should be added that the Spanish lefrists have already contaminated themselves having participating the military conflict in Donbass on the part of the Kremlin guided "LNR" terrorist organisation. Obviously, the idea of European-wide cooperation of nation-oriented, traditionalist and Christian forces is a nightmare for neo-communists. It seem the leftists are afraid of establishing connections between Ukrainian and Spanish patriotic forces. which will bring new problems for local supporters of the Kremlin's contemporal "interbrigades" in the form of terrorist groups, that are acting in the east of Ukraine now.
The Right Sector encourages the Ukrainian diaspora in Spain to be united for the good of Ukraine and its people.
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