"Strategic partners": US calls Ukraine to not defend its own land

US Secretary of State John Kerry said that Washington would be very concerned if Ukraine will resume offensive actions at the conflict zone. 

"If indeed President Poroshenko is advocating a forceful engagement at this time, we would strongly urge him to think twice not to engage in this kind of activity because it would bring a serious threat for the Minsk agreements" - Kerry have stated after negotiations with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi.

Actually, Kerry`s "fears" are quite exaggerated taking into account the fact that Poroshenko don't even tried to protect occupied parts of Ukrainian land before, giving preference to negotiations which led us to much greater occupation.

At the same time we should remember that the current Poroshenko`s government is not independent. It has to be the executor of the will of the foreign forces. You cannot deny the fact that Yanukovych's government had lobbied the Kremlin`s interests in Ukraine, but now the situation has changed in diametrically opposite direction.

No one has the right to decide the fate the fate of Ukraine except of Ukrainians! The current oligarchic regime of internal occupation makes concessions for Kremlin willingly for the sake of its own economic interests and to retain own governmental positions. The West interested in two things:
- realization of its economic objectives (we shouldn't forget that Russia is an important partner for EU countries and the United States);
-  to prevent the transformation of Ukraine into a strong, truly independent state.

Let me remind you the words of outstanding Ukrainian nationalist - Basil Ivanyshyn: "One of the Western axioms is that Russia should be an empire, at the same time Ukraine should exist only in the form of neo-colony, not as a complete nation-state."
