Under whose authority the shooting of Maidan activists had been started on February 20, 2014? On whose benefit the shootings were provoked at all? These questions remained unsolved till now. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation awarded a special medal "For the Return of the Crimea" thousands of Russian military, hundreds of Ukrainian traitors, more than 300 Russian propagandists.

All those pro-Russian couch-experts and alternative reality fans - who prefer conspiorological movies like Oliver Stone's "Winter on Fire" or who siriencelly believe that the Maida activists were shooting by Georgians, Americans or the activists themselves - should have noticed that the RF Ministry of Defense specifically indicated the date of the beginning of the military operation on occupation of the Crimea: 20th February 2014. 

Recall, there were neither fake demonstrations with Russian flags, nor Putin's "little green men," or any other "militiamen" and no one spoke of any "referendums," and Viktor Yanukovich - being at that moment a lawful president - stayed in his residence in Mezhigiria; he left territory of Ukraine only on February 22.

However, the Russian Federation has already launched the military operation on Crimea. The operation, howvere, was started from Kyiv, from an attempt to eliminate the protesters, from an attempt to supress the state's will to resist. And those who say that Russia is not to blame, can also demand this medal. February 20, 2014 - the day of the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

by Yuriy BUTUSOV
