Right Sector comment on another attempt to discredit the Ukrainian nationalist movement in Media

Given another attempt to discredit the "Right Sector" all-Ukrainian volunteer corps, this time by the publication in the New York Times, we state:

There is no and ever was even a hint of people who might be associated with the "Islamic state" terrorists in our ranks. 

This article is a manifestation of complete incompetence in matters of the "Right Sector" ideological positions. The "Right Sector" all-Ukrainian volunteer corps was founded by Ukrainian nationalists on the basis of the "Right Sector" Ukrainian nationalist movement which is clearly standing on the principles of Ukrainian Christian nationalism. Therefore, the ISIS members participation in the ranks of the "Right Sector" is absolutely impossible for ideological reasons!

So the material of the US media resource is fully unjustified and aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian nationalist movement.

Dmytro Yarosh,
the leader of the "Right Sector" military-political movement

Andriy Stempitsky,
the commander of the "Right Sector" all-Ukrainian volunteer corps
