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The History Lessons and realities of Ukrainian Nationalists
Many historians and independent political analytics often draw a certain parallels between the events of Maidan and post-Maidan period and Ukrainian national-liberation struggle of 1917 - 1920 years. I think, we don`t need to talk about a cycle here. But it is indisputable, that the historical past creates a language, which helps us to express and articulate our understanding of the current political reality. Amid other historical parallels, which lie on the surface, quite obvious comparison of yesterday's opposition-present forces with stupid "Directory" (UPR government, headed by Mikhail Grushevsky) and vanguard of the revolution - "Right Sector" with military formation of "Sich Riflemen" led by Colonel Konovalets.
Sich Riflemen were the most efficient, most disciplined and most ideologically motivated military force at the disposal of political pygmies of UNR political leadership. However, Konovalets lacked the political will to organize a military coup and disperse (ideally - physically eliminate) a group of Social Democrats in Kyiv and thus save the independence of Ukrainian nation. Yes, it was the same Konovalets, the man, who later, with help of his creative genius laid the foundation of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists. Discussions about the establishment of a military dictatorship in Ukraine were held with the participation of Konovalets, Dontsov and Petlyury, but have not been implemented. As a result - Ukrainian statehood was lost under the leadership of degenerates like Vinnichenko.
In March "Right Sector" after played a key role in the Yanukovych's elimination from the power, this fact created a rather difficult situation for the organisation. Huge credit of public trust, which, anyway, was based on shaky public opinion which have been reduced quickly with help of strong awareness campaign of media under the direct control of oligarchs. The revolutionary processes were suspended in reason of Russian aggression. Under these conditions "Right Sector" tried to play by the rules of the system - "only in the legal framework", etc. On the one hand, this tactic did not justify itself, has proven its inefficiency, since it did not stop Moscow's invasion and internal occupation regime started turning back their own positions quickly. On the other hand, do not forget that further revolutionary struggle was truly able lead to excessive destabilization, that carried the threat of loss of statehood.
"Right Sector" and other revolutionary forces has faced with a difficult dilemma: avoiding the destabilization continue to play by the rules of the system OR go for broke by running the scenario of forceful revolution and establishment of the national rescue regime in the country. The scheme of such revolutionary actions could be next: National veche (meeting, people's meetings at the square for solving certain issues) convened following the announcement of another anti-national act by the government, the members of this veche are going to picket the Verkhovna Rada (this should be the right time, the most of deputies should be present in the Parliament at that moment). At the same time "Right Sector" soldiers establish full control over MPs inside the Council, threatening them with death. MPs states the fact of their own incompetence those anti-state activities, adopts a decree on declaration of a national emergency and declare Dmytro Yarosh as acting President of Ukraine with expanded list of responsibilities. In parallel, the main TV studios should be taken under control, otherwise, the main part of media will showing the revolutionaries as the "provocateurs" or "Kremlin`s agents" as it happened before.
The implementation of this scenario entails high risks. But sometimes avoid of risks is even more risky than taking them. Konovalets historical mistakes proves it. In the spring, despite all the efforts of the authorities, the degree of revolutionary fervor did not fall below the critical point. Thousands of people in Kyiv and throughout Ukraine were ready to respond to the call to continue the revolutionary struggle. Under these conditions, history itself put an unusually large, titanic responsibility on the Right Sector leadership, by requiring from them to use appropriate opportunity when it becomes obvious there is no alternative.
The situation doesn't changed after Petro Poroshenko becomes the President of Ukraine. Treacherous policy of the authorities provoked the Patriots to take decisive action throughout the summer and autumn. On the other hand, continuation of the revolution (this time - by the military) entails enormous risks. Only the future course of events will answer the question: "did the nationalists repeats the mistakes of OUN founder?"
by Igor Zagrebelny
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