Ministry of Defence of Ukraine is preparing a new state military doctrine, taking into account the new realities and threats. Ukraine Defense Minister Stephen Poltorak said at a briefing in Kiev January 8, 2015.
The military-political movement "Right Sector" has its own vision of national security.
"The program of Ukrainian national idea realization in the process of state building" developed in 2003 by Basil Ivanyshyn, the leader of the "Tryzub named after Stepan Bandera", which included the questions of national defence.
Although the military-political movement "Right Sector" includes the political party at the present moment, we stay faithful to the principles declared by Ivanyshyn - "We don't try to monopolize national idea or our program, or some of its ideas and positions.
On the contrary, stimulation of "national state building" ideas inclusion into programs of other political parties and public associations is one of our tasks."
Nationalism is the only ideology of political development of Ukraine!
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Colonel Basil Ivanyshyn, The leader of the "Tryzub named after Stepan Bandera" |
"The program of Ukrainian national idea realization in the process of state building"
V. National Security and Defence.
Ukrainian government and "opposition" consider the international recognition of Ukraine, its membership in the European and world structures, in partnership within NATO, CIS, EEA, EU as the only way of state security guarantee. This is a dangerous and detrimental politics.
It is based on a conscious or unconscious mixing the concepts of "the Security of the Nation" (elimination of all that prevents for full recovery, development and national self-determination of the Ukrainian nation), "the National Security" (resistance to internal and external factors that go against the Ukrainian Nation interests in all spheres of life and threatens its future) and "the State Security" (reliable protection of the country from possible aggression, occupation and attempts of unconstitutional change of government).
Ukrainian government and "opposition" stay silent regarding the Ukrainian nation protection, it shows their clearly anti-Ukrainian character.
"The National Security" concept never had a Ukrainian meaning and used only to cover the interests of government, financial-industrial clans and foreign predators.
As for the concept of "the State Security", political idiocy or hostile fraud dependence led us to dependence from extremely unreliable external factors and the military doctrine development under the slogan "No one is going to attack us now."
In addition, the defense doctrine of Ukraine should consider two factors. First, our neighbor is Russia, which continues its aggressive imperial policy - with the obvious intention to turn Ukraine into a colony. Second, USA (the most powerful military state in the world now) completely ignoring international laws and act by bandit-political rules. Given these factors, we can not count on any international security guarantees.
We sure:
- No one is able to guarantee the security of Ukraine except the Ukrainian people united by National Idea in the National State!
- If the government does not provide policy of detection and punishment for enemies of the Nation and the State - hence, this government is an enemy of the Nation and the State.
Our goal is:
1. Elaborate the National defense doctrine under the principles of self-reliance of the Ukrainian people.
2. Their essential (ideological, political and personnel) ukrainization is the main precondition for the real security of the nation, national state and the citizens.
3. Ukrainian military doctrine should be based not by the principles of "against someone", but "for what": for cultivation and development of Ukrainian national military capability; for robust defence of the country against any aggression; for ensuring of the national strategic interests; for equal participation of Ukraine in international politics.
4. The decision on quantitative composition, structure and equipment of the defense system of Ukraine should be resolved in accordance with these things, not by the instructions of foreign centers.
5. Conduct the systematic military training, training of the entire male population of Ukraine aged 18 to 45 years.
6. Promoting creation of youth paramilitary formations of national-patriotic direction, national-Cossack units, military-sports and military-technical sections, courses and clubs, provide them comprehensive government support.
7. Restore the study of military science and appropriate level of national military-patriotic education in secondary schools (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges).
8. Legalisation of right for firearms possession to Ukrainian citizens.
9. Military departments creation in all higher educational institutions for the preparation of reserve officers.
10. Provide the Ukrainian Army material and technical equipment independence from foreign factories.
11. Army financing should be implemented in accordance with real needs, not as a residual. History teaches us: Those who are reluctant to feed their own army shall feed a foreign army.
12. Particular attention should be paid to Army basis - officers. Minimum officer`s wage should be at least the sum of five living wages and accompanied by appropriate allowances for the rank. Housing problems (housing, furniture, pay for utility services, repair works, etc.) should decided by the housekeeping departments of military units. The officer`s pension cannot be lower than 80% of him the salary. The minimum pension of officer, who became an invalid as a result of fulfillment of official duties, should be higher by 50% of his previous salary. An officer should obtain personal weapons and firearms after graduation of military academy.
13. Provide reducing the administrative apparatus of uniformed services according to real needs. Checking the qualification of uniformed personnel according to criteria national statehood position, professionalism and proficiency in Ukrainian.
14. Ensure proper national-patriotic education of personnel of law enforcement agencies.
15. Provide the final withdrawal of all Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine - it is real military threat for the national security of Ukraine. Do not allow the establishment of foreign military bases in Ukrainian territory.
16. Dissect the functions of Ukrainian state-protective and law enforcement structures clearly define their rights, obligations, Dissect the functions of Ukrainian state-protective and law enforcement structures clearly define their rights, obligations, criteria for evaluation.
17. Resume nuclear potential of Ukraine - as a guarantee against any aggression in conditions of modern political gangsterism of modern "world leaders".
18. Stopping of all integration processes into "neo-imperial" structures formed to restore of Moscow's empire in the borders of the USSR.
19. Do not allow capturing of our transport systems by foreign forces.
20. Condemn and annul acts committed by previous government, leading to limitations of national sovereignty.
21. Pass a law on energy security, according to which one source of energy can not have more than 20% of the Ukrainian needs.
22. National-protective taxation of any foreign publications, TV and radio programs, books, concerts of foreign artists.
23. Banning of anti-Ukrainian parties, public organisations and the media.
24. Enhancing of migration control.
25. Strengthen the fight against drug-trafficking, production and transit of drugs.
26. Denunciation of illegal and treacherous "Kharkiv agreements" of 2010.
27. Lustration of the governmental and bureaucratic apparatus. Punishment for those officials who gave or perform criminal orders. Ban for the members of "Internal occupation regime" to work in government, intelligence, law enforcement.
28. Radically enhance criminal penalties for corruption and bribery.
3. Ukrainian military doctrine should be based not by the principles of "against someone", but "for what": for cultivation and development of Ukrainian national military capability; for robust defence of the country against any aggression; for ensuring of the national strategic interests; for equal participation of Ukraine in international politics.
4. The decision on quantitative composition, structure and equipment of the defense system of Ukraine should be resolved in accordance with these things, not by the instructions of foreign centers.
5. Conduct the systematic military training, training of the entire male population of Ukraine aged 18 to 45 years.
6. Promoting creation of youth paramilitary formations of national-patriotic direction, national-Cossack units, military-sports and military-technical sections, courses and clubs, provide them comprehensive government support.
7. Restore the study of military science and appropriate level of national military-patriotic education in secondary schools (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges).
8. Legalisation of right for firearms possession to Ukrainian citizens.
9. Military departments creation in all higher educational institutions for the preparation of reserve officers.
10. Provide the Ukrainian Army material and technical equipment independence from foreign factories.
11. Army financing should be implemented in accordance with real needs, not as a residual. History teaches us: Those who are reluctant to feed their own army shall feed a foreign army.
12. Particular attention should be paid to Army basis - officers. Minimum officer`s wage should be at least the sum of five living wages and accompanied by appropriate allowances for the rank. Housing problems (housing, furniture, pay for utility services, repair works, etc.) should decided by the housekeeping departments of military units. The officer`s pension cannot be lower than 80% of him the salary. The minimum pension of officer, who became an invalid as a result of fulfillment of official duties, should be higher by 50% of his previous salary. An officer should obtain personal weapons and firearms after graduation of military academy.
13. Provide reducing the administrative apparatus of uniformed services according to real needs. Checking the qualification of uniformed personnel according to criteria national statehood position, professionalism and proficiency in Ukrainian.
14. Ensure proper national-patriotic education of personnel of law enforcement agencies.
15. Provide the final withdrawal of all Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine - it is real military threat for the national security of Ukraine. Do not allow the establishment of foreign military bases in Ukrainian territory.
16. Dissect the functions of Ukrainian state-protective and law enforcement structures clearly define their rights, obligations, Dissect the functions of Ukrainian state-protective and law enforcement structures clearly define their rights, obligations, criteria for evaluation.
17. Resume nuclear potential of Ukraine - as a guarantee against any aggression in conditions of modern political gangsterism of modern "world leaders".
18. Stopping of all integration processes into "neo-imperial" structures formed to restore of Moscow's empire in the borders of the USSR.
19. Do not allow capturing of our transport systems by foreign forces.
20. Condemn and annul acts committed by previous government, leading to limitations of national sovereignty.
21. Pass a law on energy security, according to which one source of energy can not have more than 20% of the Ukrainian needs.
22. National-protective taxation of any foreign publications, TV and radio programs, books, concerts of foreign artists.
23. Banning of anti-Ukrainian parties, public organisations and the media.
24. Enhancing of migration control.
25. Strengthen the fight against drug-trafficking, production and transit of drugs.
26. Denunciation of illegal and treacherous "Kharkiv agreements" of 2010.
27. Lustration of the governmental and bureaucratic apparatus. Punishment for those officials who gave or perform criminal orders. Ban for the members of "Internal occupation regime" to work in government, intelligence, law enforcement.
28. Radically enhance criminal penalties for corruption and bribery.
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