Using of the term "junta" towards the new Ukrainian government is one of the favorite methods of Russian propaganda. Of course, this is not the greatest "masterpiece" of Russian "mass media" (especially against the background of stories about "crucified boys in shorts", "slaves" or "pregnant soviet veterans raped by the evil banderites"). But using of the word "Junta" towards the current Ukrainian government - is the truly manifestation of ignorance and non-acquaintance of elementary facts in ideology, politics and history.
What really means "Junta"?

In the conventional sense "Junta" is a government led by a committee of military leaders. If we look at the political history of the XX century, we will see many examples of governments, based on military dictatorship in Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa.
Usually the Junta government established in result of military coups in time of crisis in certain country.
The essential feature of the Junta is that the regime is based not on a charismatic leader, but on the group of officers, who took responsibility for the fate of a country.
Heroes and hucksters

The current political elite of Ukraine - is people with psychology and ideology of hucksters, not military.
Characteristic features of huckster psychology, philosophy and logic (except of pursuit of richness - this disadvantage is characteristic for many people) - individualism, a tendency to compromises and "deals" (however, the last point is means nothing for huckster, he can always "withdraw" his last word, if it profitable for business), pragmatism and practicality (indifference to "abstract" things - those values, which can not be touched and put in his pocket or bank account), vanity.
The huckster way of acting is so visible in Poroshenko`s style of foreign policy. You need admit the obvious fact, regardless of your attitude towards the current government: Poroshenko is not the best candidate for president of Ukraine under the war conditions in the country. Moreover, looks like he considers Ukrainian state as the part of own business, as he can sold the part of country to avoid "unnecessary conflicts".
Russian invaders would have a really big troubles in the case if real Junta would rule by Ukraine.
Military government as a last bastion of the statehood, freedom and order.
Not every example of junta or other types of military government was admirable. Some military leaders was an exemplary patriots and wise politicians. While others began to work with local oligarchs, representatives of big business after becoming to power and turns to a part of antinational system. Human nature is not perfect, some of military politicians, who put private interests above national after becoming to power.History knows a quite contradictory examples of military dictatorship. For example - Augusto Pinochet, the Chilean General, he saved the country from communism, rallied the nation, was a guard of conservative values. At the same time he initiated the arrests of Chilean nationalists, who advocated more harmonious social order, moreover General Pinochet apparently unwittingly created favourable conditions for economic enslavement of ChIle by the USA.
We can give an examples of more consistent political regimes leaded by military. In general, the military-patriotic revolts against the rotten demo-liberal regimes always was the reaction of courageous people to extraordinary conditions, which were their countries. However, military leaders was not always able to establish effective models of development of the country.
July 18, 1936 sacramental phrase was sounded in broadcast of Spanish radio - "Sobre toda España el cielo está despejado" (cloudless sky over the Spain). This phrase was a sign of beginning of revolt for military and patriots of Spain.The main reason of revolt of 1936 was elimination of monarchy and proclamation of the Spanish Republic. Such leftist forces as liberals, communists and even anarchists become to the power in Spain in result of this. Spanish left-wing was associated with Bolshevik Russia, more moderate - with Masonic environment (according to communists itself, Dolores Ibarruri for example).
Social and economic situation has worsened after the leftists become to power. In addition, anti-religious terror began in the country. Ecclesiastical education in schools was abolished, then communists and anarchists moved from slogans to actions - murders of priests and monks, destruction of churches.
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José Antonio Primo de Rivera |
Military, nationalists, traditionalists, the Curch, the general population (especially farmers), they all had anti-Republican position.
After the beginning of anti-Republican uprisings in Spain, Moscow start to send there so-called "volunteers" - International Brigades (analogue of those bastards, who are fighting now in ranks of LNR and DNR - army of "Novorossiya"). In additional to professional Russian soldiers in the ranks of "Inter Brigades" fought volunteers around the world, deceived by Soviet Russian propaganda. Spanish national-liberation war against republicans and "uninvited guests" continued for more then three years. April 1, 1939 Madrid was liberated!
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Francisco Franco Bahamonde |
Francisco Franco was the ruler of Spain from 1939 to 1975. He managed to keep statehood though international isolation regime (USSR, US and UK was allies in struggle against Spain, now Ukraine is in the similar situation in reason of really strong and independent Ukrainian national state is disadvantageous not only for Russia, but for West too). Caudillo proved that patriotism is the main virtue of the state leader. Through the leadership of the state, he appealed to experts, including economists. It leads to the fact that Spain has reached the level of "economic miracle" in 50`s, second after Japan by the level of economic growth.
Contemporaries talked about Franco as a man, presented to the Spanish nation by God. He was no only the savior of their homeland in the crisis moment in history, when Spain could turned into a Moscow puppet, but he had made Spain one of the leading countries in Europe.
However, Franco committed a fatal error - not created a system that could operate after his death. Anti-national forces came back to Spain after 1975...
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