On the 50th day after the Great Velikden (Easter) we are, the East Christians traditionally celebrate the holiday of Whitsunday (also known as the holiday of Pentecost).

The key to realising the essence of Whitsunday (worth note that in the Ukrainian and almost all other Slavic languages the feast of Whitsunday calls "Triytsya/Troitsa," which also could be translated as "Trinity" or "Trinity Sunday") lies in deep understanding of a concept of the Holy Trinity - the one God in three persons: God the Father - "Creator of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen." God the Son - the Word, the Logos, Jesus Christ - a hypostasis through which God came into the world created by him for the salvation of men. God the Holy Spirit - the "life-giving Lord," who always invisibly present in our world and who "has spoken through the Prophets" the word and will of God and through which the Creator's gifts and blessings descend upon us. Such complex and perfect at the same time form of understanding the divine essence is inherent to Orthodox Christians. On that day the Holy Spirit descended to the apostles in the form of flames above their heads, and the Holy Trinity had manifested in its entirety. This day could be considered the date of foundation of the Church of Christ - an united community of believers guided by the Lord.

In accordance with our folk customs on this days Ukrainians are decorating their homes with all sorts of fragrant herbs. Of course, on the first glance it seems that there is no relation between this tradition and Christian philosophic concepts described above. But, we have to remember, that the nature is the most perfect creation of God, it reflects the God's law and in it (in particulary medicinal herbs) God has presented us everything we need to live long and health life.  

And the tradition of sanctification of herbs (by which we decorate our houses after the Whitsunday service) on this day brings us the God's life-giving grace that is descending upon us during the service.

Let the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the blessing of the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit will be with all of you! Amen!

Source: Zentropa Ukraine
