Ukrainian National Strategy

Ukrainian National Strategy

One of the fundamental principles of existence and development of all life is a struggle. It’s a fight for territory and resources. As a human being laid him to fight. Even if a person is deprived of the right to fight – it would still be fighting for the right to fight. 

Having won this right will fight on. Give the man all she wants – and does not stop the fight. Because there are no limits of this invasion as natural human being. For even as that just enough – people will fight. With obesity or for his own soul. For Freedom! During harvest! For Children! For the money! As no money to fight a man dies and starts to fight with neighbors, wife, friends...

For that we have to fight together, dear compatriots? What will strive Ukraine? What strategic goal have to ask ourselves and fight for it? Because there is no life without struggle. We realize that we live in a world which never once stopped fighting for territory and resources. Including the territory of Ukraine, according to you our resources and capabilities. Look at the world around: Is there any one country is better than Ukraine?

In the world there are several centers of expansion. The most important:

1. China. "The peaceful settlement expansion and over population" as said in the last communist conference 5 years ago – the main goal. Celestial Sons filled expanses of Siberia, the Far East, the USA and many other countries. Cheap Chinese goods destroy commodity production in many countries. One Chinese man – a soldier. Thus says "Defensive doctrine of China." The game on my own strange rules.

2. United States. Expansion through financial instruments and faith in the American dream. Print notes secured by faith in the sustainability of US geopolitical and solving problems through this money. Playing by the rules and established themselves. The military and technological support expansion.

3. Islamic world. The green flag of Islam must fly over the whole world. American game without rules. Invalid be destroyed. Resettlement and more population, actual settlement and Islamization areas for future generations. The accumulation of resources and the acquisition of technological, financial and military instruments of influence. Military support expansion through military strikes point. Great speed and efficiency ideology expansion is to learn. The purpose #1 – Europe. The enemy #1 – USA.

4. Russia. Destroyed center exclusively military expansion. Defeated by financial and technological tools USA. Gravitates to expansion centers 1 and 3, although, from the point of view of common sense and classical Chinese philosophy, absolutely cannot do that. Trying to hold its own expansion – especially in the CIS. The motivation is not expediency, and trampled ambitions.

5. EU = Europe. It’s the chronic victim of invasion, including their own.

Somewhere consume too much alcohol and have a constant wars, which themselves are beginning. Somewhere with almost everything, but in addition – permanent tornadoes and degeneration of the nation. Europe loses its rich indigenous population. Poor countries increase their population and make the expansion in Europe. Imperial China has many people living in poverty and are forced to settle in the north, to Russia, but continues its "peaceful" economic expansion and settlement. Japan has trouble with earthquakes and tsunamis, has its minerals, but...

Look at the world around, understand – Ukraine blessed. If this disorder is to blame themselves. For the mess began with his head. Because we believe those who took our land and our resources. So what is our strategy?

"You say to me, what I must to straw, and I will be removed it", – said the prime minister Kuchma in 1993. 10 years later President Kuchma gave no answer. President Yushchenko too. President Yanukovych hadn’t any strategy, he ran his own calculation and dwarf to Kremlin. About new President Poroshenko any speech will be nothing...

What state the Ukrainians need? What should our strategy be? Definitely – victorious. One that will be the people of Ukraine and live through thousands of years. At its territory and its resources. In the midst of global invasion and contradictions generated by them.

What strategies do we know? – Nationalism. Imperialism. Average citizen, for whom the world of black and white and is divided into friends and foes, who has the time and desire to understand the evil maze of thick textbooks, just remember the following:
  1. We are beaten, we defend from around enemies who are on the other side the fence strangers. This "vulgar nationalism".
  2. We are a "cool peppers" we all tear to rags and carry our fence by attaching to the court of another's territory. This "vulgar imperialism."
These two ideological, which essentially is a sign of youth extremism, can easily be learned minds of young people in the past and happening. Vulgar nationalism proposes to solve the problems of the nation by separation from other nations and cultures. Vulgar nationalists tend to separatism and racism. Vulgar nationalism (in this case between the Ukrainian and Ruthenian) leads to disengagement areas and partition are usually heated in foreign territories potential aggressor forces interested in appropriation of territories and resources of the nation. Do we need the fence along the Dnieper? The question is rhetorical. Vulgar imperialism would expand the use of resources by state-nation, even those that cannot be updated.

What to choose Ukraine? Nationalism in circumstances where its own territory has become the scene of action centers expansion - is doomed to failure, because today we should not defend and fight for their territory and their resources by misfortune lost due to misunderstanding and rejection of sudden expansion of a foreign state leaders to Ukraine.

Russia is always there. It happened. Unfortunately the Kremlin also do not understand that have been subject to expansion. Tens of millions of children of the Middle Kingdom are in Russia and cucumbers are grown between objects Strategic Missile Forces. Chinese companies plan to invest a trillion dollars in construction in Russia. According to Rosstat planned reduction in the population of an average of 750 thousand per year. By 2025 every year – 750 thousand. Officially!

We have to be ready to disastrous consequences of this policy the Kremlin. God gave us a fruitful land, almost all minerals and talented people. This absolute value.

Availability in our territories occupants from other countries enables us to learn methods of expansion, also known methods of modern warfare. Learn and apply them for the benefit of our citizens. Today Cossacks should develop new weapons, new methods. Otherwise there is not protection for your home. So right now we do everything to Ukrainian citizens have a personal preference over citizens of other countries. The standard of living of our citizens should be provided with such social mechanisms that gives us today's civilization.

Every Ukrainian in any case guaranteed that it had sufficient funds to pay for food, housing, heating, utilities, public transport, premiums on medical care and social security, necessary household appliances (washing machine, refrigerator, TV) and clothing. Available state aid in starting their own business – in the case when there is no possibility Ukrainian fix its position as a sitting employee.

We create an environment that would be a woman who gives birth to children, was confident as their future and the future of their children, had a very high social status confirmed by money, not empty declarations did not depend on man's stupid head. Creating centers of production, on grounds which will restore the lost productive forces, science and engineering talent, production of consumer goods, create jobs, to ensure that investment primarily domestic investors, the conditions of their people.

These are the first steps. The simplest but most effective. For now we do not even have the opportunity to provide their own country or jobs or protozoa goods. But give jobs to other nations. The second step – a renewal of faith in their own money in their own emission center and use it as a mechanism of its own expansion, enrichment Ukrainian nation. How to do it and apply - not for publishing information and solemn speeches, because there is a war.

At a time when national patriots Ukraine realize that the country is facing trouble to be the subject between geopolitical centers of expansion, or to become a geopolitical player. Will metal will appear and resources to achieve it.

At a time when national patriots Ukraine realize expansion mechanism that is used to capture our site, learn how to use them, they will cease to be Ukrainian nationalists and imperialists will be Ukrainian.

Ukrainian imperialism – imperialism for the nation - and this is only possible winning NATIONAL STRATEGY OF UKRAINE.

By Kalev Korpinen
