Few years ago European Court of Human Rights called the Greek parliament to "normalize" the country's legislation according to the "European norms." In 2013 the ECHR admitted that the civil legislation of Greece "violates" the European Convention on Human Rights because the country's laws doesn't provides the possibility of concluding a homosexual civil unions.

Shortly before the voting in the parliament a group of sodomites staged a dirty action near the office of the Hellenic Orthodox Church. A group of local deviants, clothed as priests, kissed and behaved themselves indecently, publicly showing their contempt to national traditions and culture of their fatherland. Local citizens were outraged by such "LGBT performance" and forced the deviants to stop the action after a few minutes after it was started!

Due to sharp reaction to the new law in the Hellenic society the country's ministry of Justice has specified that the draft law doesn't provides an ability to adopt a child. "The public concern regarding this moment is unfounded" - said the Minister of Justice Nikos Paraskevopoulos. He added that the criminal code still provides a criminal liability for corruption of minors. 

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that this is a historic day for the country, for its parliament and for the global defence of human rights and democracy. In his speech during debates in the parliament he noted that the enactment of the "free cohabitation" it's "an end of the period of backwardness and shame for the Greek state." An old absurd story about the progress, which consisted only in blind following of so-called liberal values.

During the parliamentary voting the draft law been supported by post-Trotskyists from ruling party "SYRIZA" as well as the pro-capitalist social democrats "PASOK," liberals from "Potami" and centrist politicians. As it was expected, the Hellenic nationalists from the "Golden Dawn" have opposed the anti-national law; suddenly their position received support from the members of government coalition "Independent Greeks." 

All the sources of LGBT propaganda are well known in Greece. The MPs, openly expressed their contempt to moral and spiritual values of their nation and voted for this shameful draft law did it in accordance with instructions of transnational centers in their country.

The evidence of that was the statement of the representatives of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, they said that the "gay parade" was held in their city with the support of the US consulate in Thessaloniki.

Another proof of funding of various deviant communities from abroad been provided by the Greek politician Theodore Katsanevas; in particular, he proved that so-called "LGBT activists" in Greece are funded by George Soros foundation "Open Society." 

The Hellenic Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus has made a strong statement on this occasion:

"Why the US embassy, and therefore, the US government gives money for gay-parades in Greece? What an expediency sees the US government in this?

Why Soros' "Open Society" gives money to the "activists" of the movement for homosexuality in Greece and whole Europe?

Why he didn't do this in China, in India, in the countries of Islamic world of in Africa, anywhere, where live about five billion people?

All because they want to corrupt and annihilate Christian Europe! And so called democratic-deputies they do their best to reach this goal! Thus, they position themselves as obedient pawns, puppets of transnational system of Zionism.

That's a sin and shame..."
